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5 Qualities That Will Help Your Business Get The Right Press Coverage

Working in digital PR and outreach is the best career move you can make!

In an age where information moves at a breakneck pace, it’s essential to stay on top of what people are talking about. In this high-paced environment, your skills will take you far – especially if they include creativity that knows no bounds or outstanding communication abilities. The most successful professionals have often had employees with these qualities working for them before.

Aside from the fundamental qualities of developing strong connections, creativity, and a keen interest in news and social media, there are a few crucial characteristics that distinguish natural PR professionals from the rest.

We all have our own opinions about who makes the best PR professionals, but these are the five talents that I’ve seen the most successful people in Digital PR and Outreach have.

Be Inquisitive 

Image Source: Mary Gelinas

The people who are curious are the best at increasing client results and coming up with new ways to acquire them. People who are always on the lookout for new possibilities, immerse themselves in the clients they serve and think outside the box when it comes to maximizing results.

While inventiveness is crucial in all aspects of marketing, the pressure is especially high in PR and outreach to produce something unique! People who have a natural curiosity will constantly be on the lookout for fresh methods to incorporate their customers’ brands into discussions and take advantage of opportunities to stand out.

Be Driven 

Image Source: iStock

The success of a campaign is assessed in several metrics when it comes to digital PR and link growth. Clients will establish precise KPIs that must be met, and we will set our own internal objectives. People that have a “never give up” mindset will do everything they can to achieve their objectives and will not give up until they do.

When things don’t go as planned, they modify and try different approaches to make it work. They don’t stop even after they’ve achieved their objectives; they keep striving for even better results.

When you’re struggling to get a campaign off the ground, a never-say-die attitude is what keeps you from returning to the client with unsatisfactory results. This is the quality that motivates you to achieve your goals in (what can be) a volatile industry!

Be Flexible 

Image Source: CareerAddict

Working in digital PR and SEO is a fast-paced and ever-changing field. Using black hat methods and paying for connections was prevalent when I first started in the industry. It occurred all the time, in fact! Those days are now gone, and many changes have occurred, necessitating your ability to stay on top of the game and ahead of your competition.

As a result, being able to adapt and always thinking of new methods to overcome any obstacles is critical if you want to be a significant player in PR throughout your career.

Be Determined 

How determined are you to succeed? | Royston Guest
Image Source: Royston Guest

For the job that we do for our customers in PR, we always have a plan of action. However, unanticipated difficulties (like COVID-19) frequently disrupt these goals, thus being able to handle and overcome setbacks is critical. It may be as simple as the first three journalists you contact declining to participate in a campaign you passionately support. Those that are tenacious will persevere when they discover the perfect hook and have the right journalist to cover their story of success.

Be Optimistic

Image Source:

In Digital PR, having a positive mentality will go a long way; you should constantly attempt to identify opportunities rather than limits! To be honest, there have been times when I thought a campaign wouldn’t work, but that’s how you set yourself up to fail before you even try it.

A cheerful attitude also aids in the development of favourable connections with press contacts! Being able to approach interactions in a positive light allows for more engaging dialogues, which will benefit your press release after press release.

Digital PR and link building is exciting, and I enjoy working in this field, but it can also be a struggle, which these abilities are excellent for! To get the greatest outcomes for customers and build businesses. We require employees with the above abilities to make our campaigns a success.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Eric Yang
Written By

Eric Z Yang is the co-founder, a media news platform for digital asian entrepreneurs. He is an international speaker, best-selling author, and an authority expert. His conferences have gathered over 150,000 online attendees less in than 2 years. You can read more about his strategies on becoming an overnight authority on

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